
One of Air-Britain’s strengths is the band of volunteers who help the everyday running of our organisation, ranging from editorial contributions to our magazines, to helping ABPic run smoothly to a number of back office functions.

We have a number of vacancies and, if you think you may be able to help, we would like to hear from you.

Just send a message to with the area you think you may be able to help and we will make sure this is directed to the relevant person.

Thank you.

Air-Britain (Aviation World)

Display Diary Editor

We are looking for a volunteer to prepare the "Display Diary" section of Air-Britain News each month, taking reports from members and putting them into the appropriate format for the magazine. For more details please contact

ABPic Database Co-ordinator

ABPic is looking to add a database manager to its small team, as George Trussell, who has performed this role since the creation of ABPic wants to reduce his day-to-day involvement.
ABPic has created its own aircraft database supporting the vast online image collection. The new person will continue the day-to-day work to ensuring database consistency and accuracy. The role will not be the creation of a database but maintaining the data that already exists and that is being added to on a daily basis.
ABPic is run by a small team of volunteers. Preferably the new person will have a wide range of aviation knowledge, be familiar with databases and be confident with digital and online working.
If you are interested and can spare some of your time on this very worthwhile endeavour, please contact Simon Wills at

Digital Image Archivist

With the move away from hard-copy images, we are now receiving digital files and we need an archivist to accept and index these images so that Air-Britain knows what is available. For more details please contact

Digitisation team

We are looking at the best way to digitise the images that we hold, so that they can be made more widely available to our members, and as a possible source of income from non-members or commercial users. While we are still finalising how this will be carried out, we are looking for people who would be able to assist in digitising batches of images. For more details please contact

Digital Archive Co-ordinator

We are looking for a volunteer to gather new and updated material from the section curators and arrange for it to be uploaded to the Air-Britain website in a timely manner. Knowledge of would be useful, but is not essential for the role. For more details please contact


Air-Britain News