Information services

Members are provided with a contact list of specialists in many different aviation fields (see below).

Air-Britain maintains a system of aviation specialists who cover many aspects of both aviation history and of recording modern day aviation events, as they happen, as these will become the future aviation history. Members have the benefits of access to these experts in their research if they require it. These experts are grouped together under the banner "Air-Britain Information Services" under a Co-ordinator, who is appointed to keep track of all the members and to record and make available the various methods of contacting these specialists. This service has world-wide coverage.

Specialists are encouraged to make use of their talents and have contributed hugely to the many books produced by Air-Britain. The results of this research also appears regularly in the various magazines shown on this site. Indeed, our specialists' researches have resulted in virtually complete records of all aircraft delivered to the RAF since the end of the First World war - serial numbers J1 to XZ999. This has resulted in a library of reference works of the highest standard that are the standard research reference around the world. Several RAF Squadrons have had similar treatment, with the books relating the history of each unit.

The complete British Civil Aircraft Register has also been published, and this work resulted in a huge reference book, affectionately referred to by members as the "Big Book". It also includes complete British Colonial registers up to 1930 too. Many aircraft types, both military and civil, have had in depth studies published and have become the standard reference for their subjects.

All of these are ongoing projects and many have been re-published as new information has been discovered. Many more will be published and re-published in the future. This is where new members can be so helpful.

  • Do you hold in depth information on ANY aviation subject?
  • Are you keenly interested in a given aviation subject?
  • Do you have access to unpublished aviation records?
  • Would you like to see your "life's work" finally published?

If you can answer YES to any of the above questions then you could well benefit from membership of Air-Britain, and Air-Britain could almost certainly benefit from your knowledge. Every member of Air-Britain is encouraged to contribute to our wide range of publications.Thus, if you become a member of our Society you will have access to a wide field of expertise, and hopefully you can add to that expertise yourself if you have a field of knowledge that we do not currently cover. The Co-ordinator would be delighted to hear from any new members to discuss their fields of expertise".

There are a large number of subjects covered by our specialists, available to all -
Air-Britain Information Services - Subjects Listing 2024 Issue 1

The Open Categories Information List is available to all -
Air-Britain Information Services - Open Categories 2024 Issue 1

The up to date specialist Information list, available to members only, is here –

We also have a number of areas where we would like to add specialists.  If you feel you could help, please contact


Air-Britain Information Services
Air-Britain Information Services