Air-Britain's monthly house magazine (17cm x 24.5cm)

2023 - total 2192 pages - that's an average of over 180 pages every month

Editor : Sue Bushell

Please click here to read a sample copy of Air Britain News.

In each issue:

  • United Kingdom, Isle of Man, Guernsey & Jersey Registers - a comprehensive review of all changes to the registers, including Additions, Cancellations, Changes of Ownership, Casualties and Subsequent Identities, plus in-depth notes on some of the more interesting additions. (Alan Johnson).
  • Around and About - Movements, base changes and other aviation happenings from around the UK and Ireland, plus reports of current and former UK-registered aircraft noted abroad. (Stuart McDiarmid)
  • U.S. Register - Extracts from the US Register, covering all types except Airliners, Biz Jets and Biz Props (which have their own dedicated sections in Air-Britain News) - all additions, cancellations with fates where known, reservations and comprehensive details of ‘dead’ aircraft being purged from the US Register. (Barrie Towey).
  • Overseas Registers - All Registers other than UK, Isle of Man, Guernsey, Jersey and the US (with a list of prefixes for countries covered each month on the front cover). Frequently includes around 100 countries. (Dave Partington and team).
  • Preservation News - News from museums and collections worldwide; and updates for our acclaimed series of Museums & Collections books. (Bob Ogden)
  • Display Diary - Enables readers to share their experiences and logs of aircraft seen at worldwide aviation events, covering everything from major displays to very informal fly-ins. Offers a chance to fill in those gaps in your logs and correct mis-sightings. We try to cover the more obscure airfields around the UK. Notice of forthcoming events is also included. (situation vacant, at present please email Sue Bushell)
  • Hot Air Ballooning - All known UK Balloon & Airship sightings, and reports on balloon meetings worldwide. Calendar covering all known forthcoming balloon events. (Mel Kirby)
  • Military Aviation - UK Military Movements covers the main active UK bases, using reports sent in from Air-Britain members, plus recent unit movements and run-downs of specific types. The overseas section covers all other news, including Military Surplus around the World. Contacts: UK Scene (Steven Wells) and Foreign Review (David Woods)
  • Emergency Services - News from Police Aviation News, including Police and all other emergency services aviation news including air ambulance, fire and search & rescue. (Bryn Elliott)
  • Biz Props - Production changes for the propeller-driven business fleets, including Aero Commanders, King Airs, Cessna 400 series, PC-12s, Navajos and Cheyennes, Quest Kodiaks, TBMs, Merlins and the like. (Ton van Soest).
  • Biz Jets - Gives as much detail as possible relating to the histories of purpose-built business jet aircraft (but not airliner types adapted for bizjet use), from production line to final resting place. Records the many registration changes that occur around the world each month – not just those that result in changes to the marks worn by an aircraft, but ownership changes as well. Includes as many delivery flight details as possible for factory-new and exported aircraft, together with ferry flights from factory to completion centre for the larger types and base changes for all types when these can be identified. Also includes the fates of aircraft once they have reached the end of their flying careers. (Steven Sowter).
  • Commercial Airline News - Up to date coverage of airliner orders from airlines and leasing companies; news from the major civil aircraft manufacturers, in particular details of models being developed and tested. Fleet changes/disposals and leasing arrangements are an important part of the section and construction numbers, registrations and (where applicable) previous identities are shown. Also news of new routes, route frequency changes and changes of aircraft types used. (Steve Moon)
  • Commercial Scene - Airline Production changes and orders for all Airliners - Airbus (Charlie Stewart), Boeing (Stephen Jakeman), BAe/ATP (Colin Frost), Propeller airliners (Mark Gould), All other jet airliners, such as  Bombardier, Canadair, Douglas/McDD, Embraer, Fokker, Lockheed, (David Garbett), Soviet, Czech and Chinese production (Peter Hillman)
  • Photographs - There’s also topical photographic coverage throughout the magazine.

In occasional issues :

  • AHUK Register - comprehensive notes on aircraft added to the register of Aviation Heritage UK (formerly the British Aircraft Preservation Council). (Lloyd Robinson)
  • Islander News - News and changes to Britten-Norman Islanders and Trislanders, provided by B-N Historians. (B-N Historians)


Air Britain News

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